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Home - News Center- What are the advantages of digital printing?
What are the advantages of digital printing?
2022-02-28 467

the description of digital printing advantages

There are some main advantages to digital printing over other printing methods. The advantages are:

1. Small scale printing became possible in home and offices. Unlike other printing methods that uses printing plates and presses, digital printing prints directly from the digital file. So, it made the printer small and less complicated which made it easier to complete printing in houses or office.

2. Digital printing paved the way for fine art printing. High quality image printing on photo paper which satisfied every creative professional became possible. These prints can be reproduced in small scales rather than mass production considering the cost.

3. Print on demand(POD) became possible. Digital printing helped people to print personalized books that allowed them to print small quantities considering their desires. Digital printing thus cancelled the need for large and costly print order.

4. Digital printing has helped advertising a lot. Banner advertising became easy and sensation because of applying digital printing.

5. Digital printing has given a breakaway to the photo printing. It gained the ability to retouch and colour correct the photos.