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Home - News Center- External factors affect supply chain costs
External factors affect supply chain costs
2022-05-31 468

Industrialization upgrade of digital printing

  Today, the circle of friends of digital printers is swiped by a news that the price of "Epson print heads" has increased. TSCI2022 
Guangzhou International Digital Printing Industry Application Exhibition is the vane of the digital printing industry,and Epson
is also an important exhibitor of this exhibition. 
This news is highly concerned. It is understood that the details are as follows:
To: Epson Inkjet Solutions Partners:
  First of all, thank you for your long-term support and trust in Epson (China) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Epson") products!
Since the COVID-19 epidemic has ravaged the world, the instability of global logistics, the shortage of key product components, and the
sharp rise in raw material costs have all become problems that many companies, including Epson, need to solve urgently. With a 
customer-oriented attitude, Epson (China) Co., Ltd. and its affiliated companies have worked together and actively responded, but they 
were still unable to completely offset the enormous pressure on the company's operations.
In order to continue to provide customers with high-quality products and services, Epson is sorry to inform you that the following 3 models
of Epson inkjet solutions: 13200-A1, F1440-A1, and F1080-A1 will be subject to price increases from June 2022.
  In addition to the print head, in the early days, "Hansen boards" were also unable to issue an official letter of price increase due to factors 
such as supply chain costs. From June 1, 2022, the full range will increase by 15% on existing prices.
  After the cost of key components such as printheads and boards has risen, many digital printing machine equipment companies have 
simultaneously issued official letters on price increases. From June 1st, roughly each machine will be allocated to each nozzle to increase by 
1,000 yuan, that is, 8-head printers will increase by 8,000 yuan, and 15-head printers will increase by 15,000 yuan.